Capture user feedback in-product at the right moment

Improve product engagement ● Reduce churn ● Improve conversion ● Save engineering resources ● And more...

Mobile screen 2
Device frame
Mobile screen 4
Device frame

Gather 1000s of contextual responses within hours

Convert your in-app audience into the fastest and most accurate research channel for teams across the organisation



  • UX research

Select use cases

There is no better time to take the pulse of your customers than when they are actively using your product

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)

    Gauge NPS of your users. Monitor NPS trend over time

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

    Determine customer satisfaction with specific product features

  • Pricing study

    Find out what users are think about your pricing

  • Zero party data

    Gather zero party data on your users - age, location, education etc

  • Research participants recruitment

    Target relevant segments to effortlessly recruit participants for research studies

  • Idea validation

    Hear directly from users about which idea they would most like you to implement next

  • Drop off reason

    Find out the reason customers drop off during the eshopping journey

  • Concept testing

    Display visuals of concepts and seek feedback in-product from live users

  • User attribution

    Determine how user traffic is coming to your app - social media, google search, realted sites etc

  • Customer Effort Score (CES)

    Determine ease of use by measuring CES, in the moment of use 

  • App-store rating

    Target satisfied customers to share product feedback on the app-store

  • WhatsApp referral

    Redirect satisfied users to WA to drive referrals

Sample surveys

Choose from 20+ ready to use templates or create your own survey

  • Mobile screen 1
    Device frame
  • Mobile screen 3
    Device frame
  • Mobile screen 2
    Device frame
  • Mobile screen 4
    Device frame
  • Prcing study

  • Idea validation

  • Net Promoter Score

  • Drop off reason

  • User attribution

  • And many more...

  • Simple and easy to use

    A 30 min integration empowers business and product teams to launch micro-surveys in seconds

    • Target the right audience

      Effortlessly import cohorts from tools like CleverTap, Amplitude, and MixPanel, or load them using a CSV

    • Target at the right moment

      Target at the precise point in the user jourey. Maximize accuracy with features like trigger delays and back end events

    • incentivization and gamification

      Incentivization management to maximize response rate. Gamified formats like Trivia, Jackpot and Quizz


      Business can launch surveys in seconds without dependency on IT. Minimize IT costs and eliminate lead time

    • trigger follow-on actions

      Real time response notification on email and Slack. Redirect promoters for app store reviews or WA referrals


      Integrate with 20+ leading tools including CRM, Issue Management, CDP, Loyalty Management and Analytics tools

    Request a demo

    Avail our Starter plan and collect upto 200 responses/month for free

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    Effective use of incentivization

    Effective use of incentivization to enhance in-product survey response rates

    Controls to avoid over surveying

    Controls to avoid over surveying your in-app audience

    Maximize analytics stack ROI through in-app surveys

    How a dedicated no-code in-app survey solution can help you realize maximum ROI from your product analytics solution
    Maximize roi of analytics

    Leading companies using on-demand in-app surveys

    How leading product companies use continuous user feedback monitoring to power key business decisions


    Built on Unicorn Platform