How leading product companies use continuous user feedback to power business decisions

published on 21 October 2023

Product Led Growth (PLG) practices have become widely adopted in B2C and now in B2B. Streamlined on-boarding flows, feature nudges, guided product tours, in-app chat support and more are getting widely adopted to drive a superior product experience for customers without human intervention.

One of the key areas where PLG is now expanding is in leveraging the product itself as major source of continuous, high-quality user feedback. Leading product companies like Google, PayTm, Figma, Dropbox, Webflow and more embed perfectly timed micro-surveys in their critical customer journeys. The user responses to these micro-surveys create a constant stream of real-time data, that provide key business insights.

Product Analytics tools like Mixpanel and Amplitude have been extensively used to track events through the user journey and derive quantitative insights. In-app micro-survey solutions can leverage the same events to capture feedback directly from users through well-timed micro-surveys. This data helps discover the actual user intent behind their actions in the product.

The continuous stream of user feedback can be leveraged to answer key business questions swiftly. E.g - which feature to build next, how to improve user retention, do we need to lower our prices, why are users dropping off and more...

Below are some examples of how leading product companies leverage in-app micro-surveys to stay close to user sentiment in real-time.


Google extensively uses in-app user feedback across product ranging from Search and YouTube to Firebase
Google extensively uses in-app user feedback across product ranging from Search and YouTube to Firebase


PayTM uses in-app feedback extensively to track drop-off from key customer flows like personal loan application, water bill payment and mobile recharge
PayTM uses in-app feedback extensively to track drop-off from key customer flows like personal loan application, water bill payment and mobile recharge


GoDaddy uses in-app feedback to gather user sentiment about their experience
GoDaddy uses in-app feedback to gather user sentiment about their experience uses on-demand in-app surveys to help prioritize its feature roadmap uses on-demand in-app surveys to help prioritize its feature roadmap


Facebook extensively uses in-app surveys to monitor its brand image and user sentiment
Facebook extensively uses in-app surveys to monitor its brand image and user sentiment

To learn more about how in-app surveys can be used to create a continuous user feedback mechanism to power business decisions, book a demo with the Babble team.

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