Unified Screening and Assessment Platform

Automate inbound applicant screening with AI to filter through hundreds of resumes and identify the most promising candidates. Next, administer assessments to the shortlisted candidates to validate stated skills and cultural alignment. 

Transition from 80% ‘mis-fit’ to 80% ‘right-fit’ candidates

Babble all in one sourcing and assessment 2

An integrated platform for screening and assessment

Identify promising profiles within seconds and exclude mis-fit candidates. Administer assessments to validate real world skills and culture fit.

  • Screening

    Bypass the bottleneck of manual resume reviews and identiy a list of top-tier candidates with AI driven, human-nuance level analysis of relevant work experience and skills. Our AI generates a precise explanation for each profile score leading to high confidence in the results.

  • Assessments

    Automatically progress the top-tier screened candidates to skill based assessments. Our assessments are optimized for top-of-the-funnel filtration providing deep insights and high completion rates. Receive real-time email notification for candidates meeting the cut-off.

Trusted by leading startups and enterprises

  •  ‘The Babble team has been a delight to work with. They are super-responsive and always available to provide guidance. No support ticket required, a WA message gets a reply within minutes. Overall, the Babble platform was easy to use, with rich post-assessment analysis and tracking features. We will be using Babble again next month for a scheduled campus hiring drive. Highly recommend for college campus recruitment teams!’ 

    A Simon, Campus recruiting lead @ major SaaS startup
  •  ‘We receive bulk of our bios from vendors. Resumes are becoming increasingly unreliable in terms of representing a candidate’s skills. HR team spends lot of time reviewing bios and on phone interviews. Hiring managers were finding a large % of bios sent to them to be mis-fit for the role. Babble solved a very real pain point for us at the top of the funnel. It was implemented as the very first screening step in the process. Babble automated candidate screening and ensured HR and hiring managers expend time speaking only to best fit candidates’

    K Sawant, Recruiting lead @ major publicly listed wealth manager
  •  ‘Babble solves a very pressing pain point for IT services organisations. We often receive bulk staffing requirements from clients. And inability to provide timely resources can impact reputation, loss of revenue and worse, loss of business to compete. Babble team is super-responsive. The platform was extremely easy to use and well designed for top-of-the funnel filtration while ensuring a positive candidate experience. We experienced high completion rates (80%) and 75% of the filtered candidates were found to be good-fit for the role. This significantly cut down the valuable billable time expended by team members in interviewing obviously mis-fit candidates. The Babble team also released couple of requested features in a very short time (7 business days)’ 

    Ajay B, Senior Director of QA practice at major IT services org, international guest speaker
  • 'I manage a large team of web and mobile developers. We receive high volume of resumes for technologies like React.js, ReactNative and .NET. The process before Babble was completely manual, characterized by high effort and high rejection rates. Babble assessments were introduced as the very first filtration step in the talent acquisition process. And the improvement in the quality of profiles receving by hiring managers was significant.'

    Jai T, Sr VP @ major publicly listed wealth manager
  • ‘Babble’s situational judgement based assessment helped us to structure our hiring process. Interviewers had to expend less effort asking ad-hoc question to gauge key skills around sales, client management and real estate knowledge. The assessments are well designed and give meaningful insight into a candidates judgement and skills required for client facing roles’ 

    Pooja O (HR Manager) @ large realty firm

Types of tests available

Embed relevant tests in your sourcing workflows to ensure you only expend time on best-fit candidates. No more relying on unreliable resume data.

  • Role specific skills

    Test role specific skills from GDPR and Accounting to Product Management and Affiliate Marketing

  • Programming

    Test on a variery of programming skills ranging from JavaScript and ReactNative to R and Python

  • Software skills

    Test knowlege of popular software products like Microsoft Access, Microsoft Project, Figma, Hadoop and more... 

  • Cognitive

    Analyze a candidate’s mental skills and thinking. Tests include verbal reasoning, problem solving, basic math and more...

  • Language

    Test candidate proficiency in languages like English, German and French

  • Culture Fit

    Assess fitment of a candidates values and behaviours with your organisations existing and desired culture

  • Custom tests

    Create new tests effortlessly to suit the your specific hiring requirements

Large Test Bank

Select from over 200+ ready-to-use tests OR create a bespoke AI generated test effortlessly

  • Skills test image
  • Exhaustive test bank

    Select from a large test bank catering to both tech and non-tech roles.  

    Test candidates for job-specific skills like programming knowledge or digital marketing, as well as more general skills like critical thinking.

    Effortlessly create new custom tests within minutes for your specific job role requirements.

    Create besoke AI generated tests for your specific requirements.

Built on Unicorn Platform