Overwhelmed by high volume of inbound applications?

Babble's AI screens thousands of inbound resumes with human-level nuance and surfaces the most promising candidates 10X faster

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4 Simple Steps

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    Specify intricate criteria in plain English
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    AI screens and ranks profiles with human-like nuance
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    No 'black-box', receive precise explanation for each profile result
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    Trigger assessments to validate stated skills of the shortlist

Instruct AI as you would a team member

'Should not a be a job hopper. Consider candidates who have average employment tenure of less than 3 years as job hoppers' 

'An AI engineer who has worked as a founding employee or a founder in addition to working in large organizations'

'A finance professional who has worked at a Big 4 accounting firm for at least three years and then transitioned to a venture-backed startup'

'SDR who has generated more than $1m in leads at growth stage B2B SaaS organisation'

Built on Unicorn Platform