Is AI Resume Embellishment Making ATS Screening Redundant? Adapting Your Hiring Strategy

updated on 26 August 2024

The rise of AI has brought significant changes to the hiring process, and one of the most concerning trends is the growing use of AI for resume embellishment. We are heading toward a future where a simple browser extension will generate a perfectly tailored resume for any job posting within seconds. This means that even mediocre or unethical candidates could have the best-looking resumes. As a result, traditional screening processes, both manual and automated, are becoming increasingly unreliable because the underlying resume data is often exaggerated or outright false. In a world where "garbage in = garbage out," the pressure on recruiters is mounting as application volumes hit all-time highs.

With the widespread availability of sophisticated AI tools, candidates can now craft resumes that are nearly indistinguishable from genuine ones. This raises a critical question: Is AI resume embellishment making Applicant Tracking System (ATS) screening redundant? Let’s explore this issue and discuss how you can adapt your hiring strategy to stay ahead.

AI embellished resumes are reducing the efficacy of traditional ATS screening solutions rapidly
AI embellished resumes are reducing the efficacy of traditional ATS screening solutions rapidly

Understanding AI Resume Embellishment

AI resume embellishment involves using AI tools to enhance or even fabricate information on resumes. These tools can create impressive-looking resumes that exaggerate skills, inflate responsibilities, and invent accomplishments. As AI continues to advance, it becomes increasingly adept at creating resumes that can pass ATS scrutiny, making it more challenging for employers to distinguish between authentic and embellished applications.

Resume embellishment isn't new, but AI has made it easier and more pervasive. HR professionals are familiar with practices like keyword stuffing and resume inflation, but AI takes these to a new level. A quick search online reveals countless tutorials on how to use AI to craft resumes that bypass ATS screening, further complicating the hiring process.

In fact, a LinkedIn survey revealed that 72% of respondents admitted to lying on their resumes, with common fabrications including work experience, responsibilities, and academic qualifications. The rise of AI tools only amplifies this trend, making it more difficult for recruiters to identify honest candidates.

With 72% of students and candidates using some form of Generative AI on a regular basis – a number that has increased by 50% in just four months – the implications for employers and talent acquisition leaders are profound.

Survey from Arctic Shores and research agency Opinium

The Limitations of ATS Screening

Traditional ATS systems are designed to filter resumes based on keywords, job titles, and specific criteria. While they are effective to an extent, they have several inherent limitations:

1.      Keyword Dependence: ATS primarily rely on keywords to assess a resume's relevance. AI-enhanced resumes can be engineered to include these keywords strategically, without necessarily reflecting the candidate's true capabilities.

2.      Lack of Contextual Understanding: ATS lack the ability to grasp the context behind keywords. AI-generated resumes might include relevant terms, but they don't always indicate a genuine understanding or experience with those skills.

3.      Difficulty in Detecting Sophisticated Embellishments: As AI tools become more sophisticated, ATS systems struggle to detect subtle embellishments or fabricated achievements, making it easier for unqualified candidates to slip through.

As candidates leverage automation tools to effortlessly generate bespoke resumes and apply for hundreds of positions everyday, how will recruiting teams find needle-in-the-haystack candidates from an ocean of indistinguishable applications?

Adapting Your Hiring Strategy

Given these challenges, it's essential to adapt your hiring strategy to effectively evaluate candidates in this new landscape. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Implement Comprehensive Assessment Tests

Assessment tests offer a more accurate measure of a candidate's skills and abilities. By incorporating practical tests, you can verify whether candidates possess the skills they claim to have, helping you identify discrepancies between their resume and actual performance.

  • Technical Skills Tests: For technical roles, include programming knowledge tests, problem-solving exercises, or simulations.
  • Soft Skills Assessments: Use situational judgment tests to evaluate soft skills and cultural fit.

2. Enhance Interview Techniques

Refining your interview process can help you better assess the authenticity of a candidate's claims. Consider incorporating:

  • Behavioral Interviews: Ask candidates to provide specific examples of their experiences and achievements. The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) can help you probe deeper into their responses.
  • Technical Interviews: Conduct hands-on exercises or problem-solving scenarios to test candidates' real-time skills and knowledge.

3. Leverage Background Checks and References

Thorough background checks and reference verifications can reveal discrepancies between a candidate's resume and their actual experience. Contacting previous employers and colleagues can help validate the claims made on the resume.

  • Employment Verification: Confirm past job titles, dates of employment, and responsibilities.
  • Reference Checks: Speak with references to gain insights into the candidate's work ethic, skills, and achievements.

4. Utilize AI Detection Tools

Investing in tools designed to detect AI-generated content can provide an additional layer of scrutiny. These tools can analyze resumes for signs of embellishment or manipulation, complementing your existing screening processes.

  • AI Content Analysis: Use AI detection tools to flag potentially fabricated or exaggerated content.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Implement plagiarism checkers to identify copied or fabricated sections.

The Importance of Early Detection

Detecting embellished resumes early in the hiring process is crucial to avoid costly mistakes later on. As in any system, the cost of detecting a discrepancy is proportionate to how late in the process it is detected. The earlier you can identify discrepancies, the less time and resources you waste on unsuitable candidates. Early detection also helps maintain team morale by ensuring that only genuinely qualified candidates move forward in the process. Two strategies mentioned above—utilizing AI detection tools and implementing assessment tests—can help automate bulk filtration at the top of the funnel, ensuring that only the most promising candidates are considered.

While AI detection tools can serve as an extension of ATS screening, they have limitations. Current tools show varying levels of accuracy, with the best premium options reaching up to 84%. As these tools improve, AI used for embellishment will likely evolve as well, making this a continuous battle. It will basically be AI vs AI.

Assessment tests, on the other hand, offer a more reliable solution. However, it’s important to use assessments that are appropriately timed and candidate-friendly to ensure high completion rates. For example, a 30-minute multiple-choice assessment may be more appealing to candidates than a lengthy coding test, particularly in the early stages of the hiring process. Candidates usually spend around 30 mins tailoring a resume for a job. And one of their pet peeves is never hearing back. Strong candidates will find it much more appealing investing the time completing an assessment to prove their worthiness. Interestingly, AI is ideally suited to create bespoke and accurate assessments efficiently for job descriptions, ensuring accurate filtration.


AI resume embellishment presents a significant challenge to traditional ATS screening, as the underlying data becomes increasingly unreliable. However, this doesn't make ATS screening redundant; instead, it highlights the need for a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to hiring. By implementing assessment tests, enhancing interview techniques, and leveraging background checks, you can adapt your hiring strategy to effectively navigate the evolving landscape of resume embellishment. Focus on early detection to minimize costs and improve the efficiency of your hiring process. Embrace these strategies to ensure you're making informed decisions and identifying the best candidates for your organization.

This blog aims to address the impact of AI on resume screening and provide actionable strategies for adapting your hiring practices.

It is written by Rohit Saini, Cofounder @ Babble ( Babble is developing gamified candidate assessments to minimize candidate drop-off while providing adequate insights to recruiters. Rohit loves to discuss solutions for hiring challenges and can be reached at [email protected]. To book a demo of the Babble assessment platform - Click here.

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